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Our Services


Benefice Services

Holy Innocents Church, Gt Barton

and St Peter’s Church, Thurston


Sunday 4th August: (Transfiguration of our Lord) 

Sung Eucharist at Holy Innocents at 10.30am 

Choral Evensong  St Peter’s 6.30pm 


Wednesday 7th August:

No Service 


Sunday 11th August:

Holy Communion (BCP) at St Peter’s at 8.30am 

Sung Eucharist at St Peter’s at 10.30am 

Choral Evensong, at Holy Innocents, at 6.30pm 


Wednesday 14th August:

Holy Communion (CW) at Holy Innocents at 10.30am


Sunday 18th August:

Holy Communion (BCP) at Holy Innocents, at 8.30am 

Benefice Communion (CW) at Holy Innocents, at 10.30am. 

Songs of Praise at St Peter’s at 6.30pm 


Wednesday 21st August:

Holy Communion (CW) at St Peter’s at 10.30am 


Sunday 25th August:

Benefice Communion (CW) at St Peter’s at 10.30am


Wednesday 28th August:

Holy Communion (CW) at Holy Innocents at 10.30am 



(BCP Book of Common Prayer)

(CW Common Worship)


For services at Great Barton, Tim Frost: 07840 249448 or email timfr0st@yahoo.co.uk

For services at Thurston, Pat Sadler: 07552 234443 or email patsadler@hotmail.com



