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Reflection from Betty Blades

25 June 2024

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Hello folks

If you are sitting and feeling a bit down, just look out of the window - so many beautiful things to cheer you up and they are all free!

Relax, I have been do just that as I’m not so active as I used to be. I have been quite a Twitcher watching the birds, bees and flowers.

The blossom has all dropped from the Wisteria but left a luscious green canopy, Lilac has finished but the Ceanothus is full of colour. Roses are gradually opening regardless of the the cold winds. Canterbury Bells grow where they will. A big bumble bee tried to get into a delphinium but alas he was too fat(I know the feeling). 

Birds, so many this year. Our resident Robin sits on the washing line. I have seen Blue Tits and Cole Tits. The cheeky Starlings clean the lawn every morning. Blackbirds serenade me with their beautiful singing. Hedge Sparrows Twitter everywhere. Two Pigeons are fraternising on the fence and then there is the frightening Magpie. Looking skyward I can see the House Martins doing acrobatics, here for their summer vacation. Sometimes I spot a a Buzzard catching the thermals. Last of a all Squirrel scurried along the fence.

I feel so luck to live in the countryside. 

The New Spring Watch Compilation, by Betty Blades.